Powers And Abilities
If you could choose one supernatural power for yourself, what would it be? Invisibility? ESP? Telekenesis? Teleportation? Something else?
I’ve often thought that the ability to teleport myself or objects would be pretty handy (imagine the savings on transportation ). At the same time I wonder about the drawbacks or limits of such powers. Invisibility could be a liability because you could get hit by someone who doesn’t know you’re there (I recall this specific situation from an episode of the X-Files ). With ESP, would you really want to know what everyone was thinking of you? What about the ethical implications? What if you accidentally teleport yourself into a dangerous place (the middle of a firing range, a nuclear reactor, etc)?
I know, this is weird, but every now and then these things just pop into my head.
Teleportation sounds pretty good actually…
The power to read minds and control thoughts.
Invisibility….I always wanted to know what really goes on in presidential meetings, Boardrooms, and the like. That is of course after the novelty of Women’s locker rooms and free movies have worn off. Just Damn!
I’m partially with Tiger on this one. I’d like to be able to control someone’s mind, but I don’t want to be able to read thoughts. After all, if I could control their mind then why would I care what they’re thinking?
Dax, I have to admit that being able to know what goes on in some places (hell, even to know what the heck women are doing in the restroom) would be pretty handy.
Tiger and James, that would also be a handy power, but it would actually scare me to have that much power over someone. Although I have to admit that there are times when it’d be nice to make some people just shut the hell up (a certain pair of Senators from New York come to mind).
I’d like to be able to enter the Astral plane, where one day equals about a minute on the outside. I could go sleep there for ten hours and then emerge having lost no time in the Real World. I could actually finish that stack of books and trade magazines I’ve been meaning to read. It would have to have electricity though…
Alternately, I’d like the superhuman agility of a Nightcrawler or a Spider-man (the teleportation or super strength is optional).
Voluntary desolidification would be nice, as would true flight.