Quickie #11

It appears that some people are taking the “terror” warnings seriously.  At the Denton Wal-Mart last night I observed a number of people with carts full of bottled water and the shelves were nearly completely empty.  This was a bit annoying, since I was there to replenish my own supply (but not because of the alert).  I drink a lot of bottled water, primarily because of the convenience, but also because of concerns about the water supply.  Denton gets its water from Lake Lewisville, which is one of the busiest lakes in the country for boaters.  Until MTBE goes away, I’ll stick to bottled water.  Anyhow, I tend to go through 6 to 8 bottles a day (with the added benefit that I’m less likely to develop clots in the legs since I have to get up all the time smile ).  But I digress.

I’m getting kind of tired of how these alerts are dubbed as “terror” alerts by the media.  I’m not afraid of these Islamic nutbags and I’m certainly not terrorized by them.  I think my general state is more of aggravated annoyance, with a hint of anger.  Maybe we could start calling them “annoying Islamofascist dipwit” alerts.

And as for the duct-tape and plastic nonsense, I didn’t bother to even consider that recomendation to be serious.  If you sealed your house well enough to keep out chemical agents, you’d suffocate.  And if the gas (or spores or whatever) is already at your house, it’s too damn late to be putting up plastic.

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