Quickie: I Hate When That Happens
This was supposed to be a quiet week between last week’s trip and another trip I have to take next week. But somehow along the way my calendar has been infested with 17 meetings for the week. And it’s only Tuesday, so it’s likely that more will be added, likely on top of each other, given how things went yesterday and today (there were originally 19, but I had to reject two of them due to conflicts). What’s annoying about this is that the people calling these meetings have access to a button in the scheduler that lets them check to see if their meeting fits into everyone’s schedule (it will even propose alternate times, based on meeting duration and availability of all participants). The fact that they send me meeting invitations that overlap other meetings tends to make me a bit crazy, since it indicates a lack of respect for the meeting participants (as well as a “me first” mentality). Often, these are the same people who don’t have agendas and are pathologically incapable of ending a meeting on time.