Scumsucking Bastards

It seems those scumsucking bastard spammers have sunk to a new low.  Up to now they’ve been spamming comments and referrers.  This morning I found about 50 emails in my inbox from trackback notifications where the bastards have spammed both this Expression Engine weblog and the old Movable Type one.  It appears that I’m going to have to go back and edit every single item individually to get rid of these trackbacks… 

What a way to start the day. 

Update:  Upgrading to EE 1.2.1 and adding the two URL’s used by the spammer to my blacklist made all of the offending trackbacks go away with one click of the mouse.  That sure was a lot easier than the spams that I had to delete from the MT weblog (where I had to go into each entry one-at-a-time and delete the trackbacks). 


  1. I got the exact same emails this morning.  I only had about 5 of them but it appears the guy has changed from comments to trackbacks because most of his comments were getting blocked.  It’s always someone posting under “online poker” that sends me most of my spam.

    Unfortunately movable type doesn’t seem to have a trackback moderation feature like it does for comments.  I either have to allow or disallow them.

    I really need to install MT-blacklist on my site now.  I installed it on my wife’s site last week and it blocked any of these from hitting her website.

  2. I’m looking at MT-Blacklist as well, since The Bitch Girls still runs under my MT installation.

    It’s been easier to delete the trackbacks under Expression Engine, because it has a most-recent trackback/comment area where you can click and delete trackbacks.  Once you remove one, the others pop to the top of the list, so you can just repeat the operation using this one list.  With MT I had to go into each individual entry and remove the trackbacks.

    However, according to the information on the EE support forums, EE 1.2.1 (I’m using 1.2) will automatically remove the old offending trackbacks if they match a pattern in the blacklist.  So I’m going to upgrade right now and see if it will just remove them all at once.