Site Terms And Conditions

Use of this site is subject to the following terms and conditions.

  1. Copyrighted content

    All original content on this site is copyrighted by Aubrey Turner and is not to be used without permission, except as noted in these terms and conditions.

  2. Use of content

    Permission is granted to read, quote, link to, and/or cite content from this site provided that attribution is provided to Aubrey Turner and (where practical) a hyperlink to the original content on the site is given.

  3. Information provided as-is

    All information on this site is provided as-is and no factual statement on this site should be relied upon without independent confirmation on your part.

  4. Images copyrighted

    All original images on this site are copyrighted by and owned by Aubrey Turner.  Images must not be hotlinked from this site.  Permission to use images may be granted on a case-by-case basis.  Contact Aubrey Turner using the contact form provided on the site for more information about using images.

  5. Advertising

    All unsolicited advertisements or attempts to insert advertisements into the content of this site (e.g. comments, trackbacks, referrers) will be considered permission to bill the advertiser at the rate of $500.00 (US) for each advertisment or attempt.

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