Suspiciously Easy
Well, that went fairly well. The only glitch I ran into was that I was upgrading from Movable Type 2.21 to 2.6. The installation instructions indicated that since I was using MySQL I was supposed to run mt-upgrade25.cgi and then mt-upgrade26.cgi to update the database schema to the latest level. Unfortunately, the mt-upgrade25.cgi script had a version check that checks for level 2.5 (rather than 2.5 or later). I just commented that part out and all was well.
One feature that I’m glad to see in this release is the ability to close comments on old articles. I have an old posting about Bushisms that seems to attract several visitors a day. It’s now so old that I’m not really interested in getting any more comments on it.
Update: It helps if you remember to upgrade the template for the individual archive pages. Otherwise the handy new logic to turn off comments will be ignored.