The Big Mouth
Wal-Mart has gained something of a reputation for prudishness when it comes to certain subjects. This is somewhat understandable when you consider that their headquarters and a lot of their stores are located in the Bible Belt.
The local Wal-Mart here in Denton is one of those super Wal-Marts which has both a grocery store and everything else in it. At the front of the store on the grocery side there’s a Blockbuster. When you check out you’re facing the front of the Blockbuster, which usually has its windows full of movie and game posters. Given Wal-Mart’s proclivity for promoting a “family” atmosphere, I was somewhat surprised to see this poster in the window of the Blockbuster:

It was a huge poster, almost life-sized. I can imagine some little kid asking, “Mommy, what’s wrong with her mouth?” I’m surprised that no one has complained yet.