The Real “Global Warming” Problem
I’m really going to have to stop watching things on ABC. I was watching the local news this morning on WFAA, Channel 8, when they did their tie-in/promo for this week with George Stephanopoulos. While their primary topic was going to be immigration reform, the other topic was going to be global warming. It seems that the news media is working hard to promote the idea that “the debate is over” and that global warming is a reality.
I remain skeptical about whether there is such a thing as global warming. But even given rising mean temperatures, I am rather skeptical that man is the cause. These days, though, taking such a position is akin to announcing that your’re in favor of roasting small children on spits, at least among certain of the PC orthodoxy.
It’s not that I remain unalterably opposed to the idea that the earth might be warming, or even that man could be causing it. However, I want it to be proved. Heck, I live in a metro area that’s a perfect example of the effects of man on the local environment (i.e. “heat island” effect), but it’s a long way from that observation to the idea that man is somehow affecting the entire friggin’ planet.
But I’ve seen repeatedly the perversion of science for political purposes. If you’re a gun owner and have any interest whatsoever in your rights, it’s impossible to miss it, given the constant attacks by political hacks attempting to use “scientific methods” to ban guns and paint gun owners as on-edge-homicidal-maniacs (CDC anyone?).
Anyhow, this all comes down to the real root of the problem: I do not trust the scientists who are pushing the global warming theory. I don’t have the time or energy to review all the studies. In the past we placed our trust in our scientists. But now we can’t trust them, and we can’t trust the media, as they don’t seem to know how to be skeptical of anything other than our military.
That said, though, attempts to silence global warming proponents do not help the cause of science. So, I guess we’re at an impass, given the government’s loss of credibility, and the bias of the environmentalists/scientists (many of whom I consider to be of the same ilk as Brady and VPC ).
Really, I suspect that there’s nothing to be done for it. Someone once said never to debate religion, and environmentalism seems to have become a religion to some people.
Perhaps, like with anti-gunners, the answer is ultimately political, in that keeping the hardcore believers away from the levers of power is the interim solution, while trying to reach out to those who might be amenable to science. I shudder to think about the effects on our economy should the hardcore environmentalists get their way.
Each week I review “The Week That Was” newsletter summary of the politicized science surrounding man-made ‘global warming.’ Science journals and so-called scientists have lost objectivity and become shills for politically-motivated agendas using environmentalism as the Trojan horse. This newsletter keep you abreast of what’s going on behind the scenes.
Sound bites about ice melting and the like are designed to do one thing in the words of this reporter from the 1930s:
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed—and thus clamorous to be led to safety—by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”—H.L. Mencken
You may get a free subscription to “The Week That Was” from the Science and Environmental Policy Project web site at
I recently posted a comment on evangelicals endorsing the con job of man-made ‘global warming’ and aligning themselves with organizations that worship the creation rather than the creator (what’s wrong with this picture??). These misled and ignorant ‘Christian leaders’ have done irreparable damage to any credibility they may have had.
“Sound bites about ice melting…”
Just last night I found myself yelling at a reporter and some scientist on Nightline who were up in Alaska mourning over the receding icepack. I don’t allow myself to take ice melting and the like as actual evidence that man is causing “global warming.”
If we accept the data we can get, the Earth appears to be getting warmer. But there is also data that solar output has increased and that we’re ending a “mini ice age.” So we would expect temperatures to rise a bit.
Still, I don’t see this as proof that man is causing it. When you consider factors like the size of the atmosphere, the fact that one volcano can spew more greenhouse gases that all of mankind’s combustion engines combined, and the enormous energy potential of the sun, you can see why I’d remain skeptical.
I need concrete, trustworthy, evidence from trusted scientific sources that prove (with peer-reviewed and repeatable findings) beyond a resonable doubt that man is a factor in “global warming.”
Even if it were proved that man was a factor, what are we going to do about it? Stop using energy? That seems to be the only answer we’re getting at this point, and that’s completely unacceptable. Any kind of change to our energy policies is going to cause disruption and pain to many people. It’s not something that can be done overnight and definitely not something to be done based on unproven theory.