They’re Still At It

Rachel Lucas delivers a righteous fisking to the latest drivel coming from the Brady Center (nee Handgun Control Inc).  Someone really made a mistake when they put her on the Brady Center’s mailing list.  The latest fundraising letter tries to link their odious agenda with terrorism.  It’s amazing the depths these people will sink to in their war against our civil rights. 

Some choice quotes from Rachel:

Did I miss something? Have I just been ignorant of the apparent fact that terrorists are exploiting loopholes in order to obtain guns? Do I need to start watching the news 24 hours a day? Because I was REALLY under the impression that every single terrorist who attacked America on 9/11 used some weapon other than a gun to murder 3,000 people.

There still exists a terrible and deadly loophole. It’s called “the gun show loophole.” Because of this loophole, it’s still possible for a criminal to buy a gun without a background check. The same for a terrorist!

Oh, no!!! The horror! The drama! How can this be? Oh, wait, sorry. Almost fell for the B.S. rhetoric.

Once again, Jim: The. Terrorists. Did. Not. Use. Guns. To. Kill. Three thousand. People.

I have news for the Brady Campaign. Not all of us are so stupid that we believe your rhetoric. In fact, many of us are quite insulted that you would even TRY to convince us that the “gun show loophole” had anything whatsoever to do with the terrorist attacks.

Go, Rachel!

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