Things Overheard…
So I’m out walking Boots this afternoon when she sees a squirrel and begins her stalking routine. I moved off to the side of the trail to get out of the way of passers-by (and to avoid being run over by psycho-biker*, should he appear). While standing there I see two women on bicycles approaching. The one is front is older and the one is back is about 21. My guess is that it’s a mother and her daughter. As they ride by me, I can’t help but hear the younger one say, “I couldn’t stop staring at her boobs.”
That certainly got my attention, and I caught “she was sitting at the bar,” and something about “unnaturally huge” before they rode out of earshot. At least that little bit helped quell my curiosity, as I can surmise (from her words and tone) that she was a bit disgusted by the woman with abnormally large (and likely fake) breasts, rather than that the younger woman was lasciviously staring at another woman’s breasts…
* I call this guy psycho-biker since he rides like a possessed mad-man. He’s always dressed in sweats (even if it’s 90°F) and he always seems to be at least one gear too high for the terrain. I think he does it to make his ride into a harder work-out. Regardless, due to his gearing he’s moving far too fast to safely ride on the Bear Creek hike/bike trail. He also doesn’t seem to like to properly give right-of-way (i.e. that whole “keep right, pass left” thing escapes him), so he’ll zoom by just inches from you.