
Fry’s is a dangerous place for someone like me.  You can find all the parts you need to build a computer from scratch or upgrade one you already have.  I’ve only ever gone into a Fry’s once without buying something (something must have been wrong with me that day). 

But now it’s reached an absurd level.  I’ve got a friend who went there tonight and called me to tell me about the current deal on a motherboard and processor (2000+ Athlon XP with MB for $69.00).  So I got him to buy it for me and I’ll pay him for it tomorrow.  I’m going to use it to upgrade my game system.  However, that will leave me with a 900MHz Athlon and motherboard.  I have a spare case and hard drive.  I may build another system from the cast-off parts (although I have no idea what I’ll do with it).  But it seems a waste to just let the parts sit there.  Maybe I can find someone who’s using an old computer and needs/wants something a little faster.

I’m almost tempted to think that drugs would be cheaper than computers…


  1. Jay Solo says:

    Heh, true geek.  Good price, too.

  2. What’s worse is that it’s giving me upgrade fever for my primary computer.  That’s the one that’s going to cost me to upgrade (because I’ll just *have* to get the top of the line processor and stuff at least 1GB of RAM into it).