Vacation Time?
I was somewhat appalled when I first heard about tourists still going to Thailand after the tsunami. I understand that they will need continued tourist revenue to help rebuild, but it seems to me that the tourists might want to at least wait until they’ve gathered up all the dead bodies. I can’t understand how someone could sit on the beach sipping mixed drinks with bodies still washing up.
I know that some of these people had non-refundable tickets, but couldn’t they have considered helping out instead of demanding their champaign reception (I heard on Fox News that some Russian tourists had arrived and were complaining loudly about not getting champaign)? If I had non-refundable tickets that couldn’t be changed, then I’d consider checking with the relief organizations to see about helping out (I was relieved to see that a number of people are doing exactly that).
Personally, I wouldn’t be capable of going there and playing on the beach like these tourists. At least I couldn’t do so until the cleanup is well under way.
Personally, I have no real desire to go there anyway. But, the wave hit the beach fronts in several areas and left others completely untouched. Also, places away from the beach fronts are pretty much operating like normal. The pictures and media play would have you thinking the entire coast line of the Indian Ocean is underwater and dead bodies are stacked 20 ft high.
I wonder if the wave moved the big iceberg blocking in those poor starving penguins near the South Pole?