Violence Begets Violence

From what I’ve been able to gather, it was her advocation of violence against violent “peace” protesters that was the cause of all the hatred directed at Megan McArdle on her site.  I actually thought that she was being too nice.  She only suggested using 2×4’s on them.  I would have advocated shooting the bastards.  But then I’m not the forgiving sort when it comes to destruction of private property.  I have a negative sympathy quotient for scum who destroy the property of others, especially when those others have no involvement in their so-called cause.

I consider it a just response to respond to violence with sufficient violence to end an attack.  Those who use that old, tired saw that “violence just begets violence” are right in a way.  But I don’t necessarily consider it a bad thing.  If someone is violent towards me, I’ll be violent right back.  There is no reasoning with someone who wants to harm you.

I wonder if it’s a concidence that these destructive idiots don’t try their silly little games in heavily-armed states like Texas?  For example, ELF seems to like to set fires.  Texas law actually provides for the use of deadly force to stop arson.  Not that I would necessarily use it, but there it is.

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