Wear A Hat

I went to the range this evening.  A .22LR shell casing landed behind my safety glasses and left a nasty little burn on my face below my right eye.  I don’t like to wear a cap when shooting because they make me sweat and they interfere with the ear muffs.  But I think I’m going to start making a habit of it in the future.  Those .22 casings are damn hot.


  1. Kevin White says:

    Hmm, what about goggles? Not the ugly swimming-type goggles, but just basically safety glasses that enclose your eyes?

  2. Those are a possibility, if I could find some that are impact rated (i.e. most of the goggles I’ve seen seem more useful for chemistry experiments than shooting, but I haven’t looked too much lately).  Further, if I could find the right type I could continue to wear my regular glasses under them (I don’t need them to shoot, but it seems weird when I’m not wearing them).

  3. Mrs. du Toit says:

    I bought a pair of safety classes at the DFW range that fight tight against your face (sort of similar to the glasses some golfers have been wearing).  They have interchangeable lenses, so you can switch from clear to yellow or even use them as sun glasses with the blue tinted lenses.

    The only problem I have with them is that they fit SO close that sometimes I get steam on the inside. I pull them out a little and that solves the problem.

    They’re pricey, but I put a high price in my eyes!

  4. Mrs. du Toit says:

    Ohh… and you think getting one of those near your eyes is painful?  Try having one of those buggers drop down your shirt and getting caught in your bra—not that you’d have that problem of course, but GEEZE it hurts.

    The range guys have great stories about women on the range experiencing that problem.  Let’s just say that those videos from Spring Break do not compare.

  5. Now that I think about it, the glasses I have are supposed to fit tight.  I think I may have accidentally caused them to slip down while I was adjusting the ear muffs.  I was using my backup pair since I’d loaned my normal ones to a friend (it was only his second range trip, and I wanted him to be able to hear me clearly).  I had to keep readjusting them because I’d turn my head and they’d slip a little, allowing too much sound in. 

    I’m going to have to check that more carefully next time.

    I’ve had some casings land in my shirt pocket and on occasion had a couple go down my shirt.  Fortunately, I usually wear loose open-bottom shirts, so the casings just fall right out.  I could only imagine that it would be pretty painful to have one land in a sensitive area like that (and get stuck!).

  6. Bitter says:

    I had one get caught down my shirt once.  It was pretty damn hot, but I have to admit that the tiny little scar it left is kinda cute.  And before anyone asks, no, you can’t see it. smile