Whippin’ The Hog
There seemed to be an increased police presence yesterday afternoon in the area of Bear Creek Park and Bear Creek Intermediate school. I saw two patrol cars and the supervisor’s SUV at the school along with several cars patrolling the area.
But while I was out on the trail I was a bit surprised to hear the distinctive ‘potato potato’ sound of a Harley Davidson motorcycle in the clearing behind me. I turned around to see a Keller PD motorcycle officer coming down the path, whipping that big Harley back and forth around the curves.
He disappeared somewhere in the trees near Bear Ridge and Bear Run, so I couldn’t tell if he went down the rest of the path or if he got back on the road over there. Still, I’d be curious as to where he was going and why he was on the trail. While these guys are well trained, it’s still a bit dangerous to have a 700-800lb Harley on a four-foot wide trail mixed with pedestrians, dogs, bicycles, and roller-bladers.